Την Πέμπτη, 2 Απριλίου 2020, μεσούσης της κοινωνικής απομάκρυνσης λόγω της πανδημίας COVID-19, η Μονάδα Ψηφιακής Επιμέλειας του Ινστιτούτου Πληροφοριακών Συστημάτων του Ερευνητικού Κέντρου ΑΘΗΝΑ διοργάνωσε ένα συνέδριο Ψηφιακών Ανθρωπιστικών Επιστημών το οποίο διεξήχθη εξ ολοκλήρου στο Twitter.
Το συνέδριο έλαβε χώρα στο πλαίσιο της Εθνικής Υποδομής για τις Ψηφιακές Ανθρωπιστικές Τέχνες και Επιστήμες και για τη Γλωσσική Έρευνα και Καινοτομία ΑΠΟΛΛΩΝΙΣ, την οποία συντονίζει το Ε.Κ. ΑΘΗΝΑ, με προσκεκλημένους ειδικούς των Ψηφιακών Ανθρωπιστικών Επιστημών από την Ευρώπη και την Αμερική, οι οποίοι παρουσίασαν εισηγήσεις για την «αλλαγή παραδείγματος» και το πώς σε καιρό πανδημίας η έρευνα βρίσκει τρόπους να ξεπερνά τους αποκλεισμούς.
Κατά το καινοτόμο αυτό εγχείρημα, οι εισηγήσεις απαρτίζονταν από 20 tweet σε διάστημα 15 λεπτών η καθεμία, σε θεματικές περιοχές όπως:
- Εξ αποστάσεως εκπαίδευση / Ψηφιακή Εκπαίδευση
- Εξ αποστάσεως έρευνα / Ψηφιακή Έρευνα
- Σπάζοντας την απομόνωση: ψηφιακά εργαλεία, μέθοδοι και πλατφόρμες
- Ψηφιακή Ιστορία / Φιλολογία / Αρχαιολογία της Ασθένειας και της Επιδημίας
- Ψηφιακές Ανθρωπιστικές Επιστήμες και μελέτη της Ιατρικής και της Υγείας.
Ακολουθώντας το hashtag #DHgoesVIRAL στο Twitter, κάθε ενδιαφερόμενος μπορούσε να παρακολουθήσει τις ανακοινώσεις του συνεδρίου, ενώ οι εγγεγραμμένοι χρήστες του Twitter είχαν τη δυνατότητα να διαδρούν με τους ομιλητές και τους λοιπούς συμμετέχοντες.
Το συνέδριο είχε μεγάλη απήχηση, ενώ το hashtag #DHgoesVIRAL έγινε trending topic στην Ελλάδα κατά τη διάρκεια και μετά τη διεξαγωγή του συνεδρίου.

Οι ανακοινώσεις του συνεδρίου βρίσκονται στους παρακάτω συνδέσμους:
Pelagios |@PelagiosNetwork (Elton Barker)
Imagine reading a literary work and accessing the archaeology of a place it mentions; or linking from a footnote to the scholarship on which the reference is based; or comparing an object in one museum to those in other collections around the world 1/20 #DHgoesVIRAL
— Elton Barker (@eltonteb) April 2, 2020
There are obstacles to doing this. How can you Find and Access what you want? And can you then Interoperate and Reuse it? These FAIR principles https://t.co/b4OIVkTlll facilitate knowledge discovery and use for humans and machines alike 2/20 #DHgoesVIRAL
— Elton Barker (@eltonteb) April 2, 2020
One solution is Linked Open Data. LOD is a way of connecting online resources that have some element in common. Find out more about LOD using apples, bananas, beer and chocolate with 2 funky Belgian guys as your guides https://t.co/9OGk4LO5u0 3/20 #DHgoesVIRAL cc @RubenVerborgh
— Elton Barker (@eltonteb) April 2, 2020
The community is now EVERYTHING. Just like our LOD model is distributive – power lies in the network not in any one data provider – so too our structure is decentralised. The @PelagiosNetwork is a formal Association of equal Partners: https://t.co/sMPVSFfZGd 18/20 #DHgoesVIRAL
— Elton Barker (@eltonteb) April 2, 2020
Melissa Terras | @melissaterras
Hi! I’m the Professor of Digital Cultural Heritage at @edinburghuni, & today I’ll be talking about the digitisation of Gallery, Library, Archive & Museum (GLAM) material in the context of #Covid19, & how that intersects with #digitalhumanities research interests #DHgoesVIRAL 1/20
— melissa terras (@melissaterras) April 2, 2020
The #ARIADNEplus team is happy to present its integration model and show how its digital platform enables collaborative work.
Thanks to colleagues of #APOLLONIS and @athenaRICinfo for showing, with this initiative, that #DH and #CH are stronger than #COVID19
1/15 | #DHgoesVIRAL
— ARIADNEplus Project (@ARIADNEplus) April 2, 2020
Katerina Gardikas |@kgardika
Thread 3 by @kgardika on the role of medical historians and critical readings of the online #COVID19 coverage using reliable historical sources. https://t.co/n4uCpXwemb
— UEADHi (@UEADHi) April 2, 2020
Sara Di Giorgio & Flavia Bruni | @DiGiorgioSara
Thread 4 by @DiGiorgioSara discussing Italian and European initiatives to promote #digitalculturalheritage as strategies for defeating isolation as well as providing opportunities to evaluate their outcomes. https://t.co/3creRqwEVA
— UEADHi (@UEADHi) April 2, 2020
DARIAH-EU | @dariaheu
1/20 What can be the impact of digital humanities and Research Infrastructures in the time of a pandemic? How essential is e-research and how can we achieve this better? And what is the role of RIs in this process? #DHgoesVIRAL #digitalhumanities
— DARIAH-EU (@DARIAHeu) April 2, 2020
Giannis Tsakonas | @gtsakonas
Thread 6 by @gtsakonas on the significance of #OpenAccess and #OpenScience for creativity, innovation and survival illustrated by examples including data sharing visualisation etc., infrastructure and crowdsourcing. https://t.co/d4lo1WPM9k
— UEADHi (@UEADHi) April 2, 2020
Europeana Research | @EurResearch
By its very nature, @Europeanaeu supports #eResearch by offering a wealth of resources coming from 3,700+ data providers. In the past few years, these resources have been increasingly complemented by sophisticated #tools for their reuse and enrichment. 1/15 #DHgoesVIRAL
— Europeana Research (@EurResearch) April 2, 2020
#dariahTeach | @dariahTeach
We are grateful to the #EuropeanCommission, especially @EUErasmusPlus which funded the 1st phase of @dariahTeach & @MEDIAprogEU for the current #IGNITE https://t.co/iNGXxjL18v project developing content for the #creative and #cultural industries #DHgoesVIRAL 15/16
— #dariahTeach (@dariahTeach) April 2, 2020
Sofia Papastamkou | @s_papastamkou
Thread 9 by @s_papastamkou is titled "The Global Event and a Deluge of Data" and its implications for historians and their (born-digital) sources.
— UEADHi (@UEADHi) April 2, 2020
Lorna Richardson | @lornarichardson
I start by acknowledging the horrific human cost of the Corvid-19 pandemic & the dedication of our underfunded, under resourced healthcare services. My paper today is about digital tech & the environment, & reflects on the structural effects of current isolation 1/20 #DHGoesVIRAL
— Lorna Richardson (@lornarichardson) April 2, 2020
George Mikros | @gmikros
I am really excited participating in the #DHgoesVIRAL with my presentation entitled: #κορονοιος: analyzing tweets containing the greek coronavirus hashtag in the first month of the COVID19 pandemics in Greece. (1/19)
— George Mikros (@gmikros) April 2, 2020
Athena RIC: a few words from the host | @athenaRICinfo
1/17 The mission of the "Athena" Research Center is to conduct outstanding #research in #Informatics and #ComputationalSciences and to ensure this research has an impact on society tackling global challenges. #DHgoesVIRALhttps://t.co/H7zXoRKc3G
— Athena RIC (@athenaRICinfo) April 2, 2020
2/17 The vision of "Athena" RC is to serve the full spectrum of the research lifecycle, starting from basic & applied research, continuing on to system & product building & #infrastructure service provision, and ending with #technology transfer & #entrepreneurship. #DHgoesVIRAL pic.twitter.com/flbP4RNe0M
— Athena RIC (@athenaRICinfo) April 2, 2020
3/17 One of the oldest R&D lines at “Athena" RC is #CulturalHeritage Technologies. Its campus in Xanthi is solely devoted to it, while @DigCurationUnit leads the national #DH #Apollonis #ResearchInfrastructure. #DHgoesVIRAL pic.twitter.com/lP5KzrRDIW
— Athena RIC (@athenaRICinfo) April 2, 2020
5/17 The activities of @DigCurationUnit include the production of quality, trusted #digitalassets, #organization, #archiving, #preservation, #conceptualization, and the facilitation of #access and #reuse across a broad range of #interdisciplinary fields. #DHgoesVIRAL pic.twitter.com/X3I5wMwa2X
— Athena RIC (@athenaRICinfo) April 2, 2020
6/17 Curious for more about @DigCurationUnit activities? What about #crossdisciplinary, #eventcentric #ontologies, #modelling, #repositories, #preservation, across #data and #research #lifecycle. #DHgoesVIRAL pic.twitter.com/4GT8ZCmu8y
— Athena RIC (@athenaRICinfo) April 2, 2020
7/17 This virtual event is organized and carried out in the context of #APOLLONIS, the Greek national #infrastructure for #DigitalArts, #Humanities and #Language #Research and #Innovation. #DHgoesVIRAL https://t.co/xeP8wBCDCU
— Athena RIC (@athenaRICinfo) April 2, 2020
8/17 #APOLLONIS consists of two @ESFRI_eu national networks in the #SocialSciences and #Humanities: @dyas_net of @DARIAHeu and @clarin_el of @CLARINERIC. #DHgoesVIRAL
— Athena RIC (@athenaRICinfo) April 2, 2020
9/17 #APOLLONIS is co-funded by #Greece @espaepanek @GSRT_GR and the @EU_Commission #DHgoesVIRAL pic.twitter.com/duBJhdouXz
— Athena RIC (@athenaRICinfo) April 2, 2020
10/17 Who are the #APOLLONIS partners? Well, here they are! The Academy of Athens, @iit_demokritos, @grnet_gr, @uoaofficial, ICCS @ntua, Athens School Of Fine Art, @FORTH_ITE, @Aristoteleio, @uaegean, @myionio – @athenaRICinfo is the co-ordinator. #DHgoesVIRAL
— Athena RIC (@athenaRICinfo) April 2, 2020
11/17 #APOLLONIS brings together the leading strengths and capacities in the field by providing high-level #computational #tools, #interoperable #datasets and #services. #DHgoesVIRAL
— Athena RIC (@athenaRICinfo) April 2, 2020
The #APOLLONIS lines of action are 4:
1️⃣ #Tools and #Services
2️⃣ #Resources
3️⃣ #Education and #Training
4️⃣ #Communities of practice #DHgoesVIRAL— Athena RIC (@athenaRICinfo) April 2, 2020
13/17 #APOLLONIS #tools & #services support the entire #lifecycle of #digitalarts & #humanities & #language #resources: #acquisition, #creation, #documentation, #knowledgeextraction, #analysis, #annotation, #curation, #visualisation & #publication of resources.#DHgoesVIRAL
— Athena RIC (@athenaRICinfo) April 2, 2020
15/17 Κey aspect of our work in #APOLLONIS is to identify&support research #workflows by accessing diverse #archives on the 40s such as from #AcademyofAthens, @aski1992, #ArmyHistoryDirectorate, #HistoricalArchive @uoaofficial, @JewishMuseumGr #AthensSchoolOfFineArts #DHgoesVIRAL
— Athena RIC (@athenaRICinfo) April 2, 2020
As for #education and #training, in #APOLLONIS we work on #digitaltools, #practices, #methods and #services through workshops, seminars, summer schools, webinars, tutorials, manuals! #DHgoesVIRAL pic.twitter.com/xzOqA8kW22
— Athena RIC (@athenaRICinfo) April 2, 2020
17/17 In #APOLLONIS we foster emerging communities of practice through sharing; promoting good practices; focused training; sustained dialogue on theoretical & methodological trends and approaches. This virtual event against #COVID2019 isolation, is what we aim for. #DHgoesVIRAL
— Athena RIC (@athenaRICinfo) April 2, 2020
Quinn Dombrowski | @quinnanya
Fun feels like an odd topic right now, but in some way it was no less strange before. In academia, especially the humanities, we place so much value on “seriousness". “Serious” is a compliment. But this sets up a dichotomy that devalues its perceived opposite. #DHgoesViral 2/20
— Quinn Dombrowski (@quinnanya) April 2, 2020