02.04.2020 | 11.00-15.00 CEST
Twitter | #DHgoesVIRAL
As we are all going through some unprecedented and peculiar times, with COVID-19 spreading globally and disrupting the ways in which we work, collaborate, interact, conduct research and are being productive, Research and Innovation Center “Athena”, as co-ordinator of APOLLONIS, the Greek Infrastructure for Digital Arts, Humanities and Language Research and Innovation, is organizing a Twitter Conference under the title “DH in the Time of Virus”.
This event is envisaged as part of a series of digital initiatives across the world to battle academic isolation and to facilitate and support community building and osmosis in DH research and education.
“DH in the Time of Virus” is a largely experimental endeavour, inspired by the Public Archaeology Twitter Conference held entirely on Twitter in 2019, but we saw fit to adopt and expand it as an idea, and to focus on the subject of Digital Humanities in the time of a highly contagious, potentially life-threatening virus.
To this end, the topics of the Twitter Conference are the following:
- Distance education / e-Education
- Remote research / e-Research
- Defeating isolation: digital tools, methods and platforms
- Digital History / Philology / Archaeology of Disease and Epidemic
- Medical / Health Digital Humanities.
Related topics are also welcome.
The Twitter Conference 15-minute / 20-tweet presentations will be by invitation, but wide participation and contribution is expected by following the hashtag #DHgoesVIRAL.
Confirmed speakers/tweeterers
Quinn Dombrowski, Academic Technology Specialist in the Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages, Stanford University | @quinnanya
Katerina Gardikas, Associate Professor in Modern Greek History, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens | @kgardika
George Mikros, Professor of Computational and Quantitative Linguistics, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens | @gmikros
Sofia Papastamkou, Assistant Research Engineer Digital Humanities / CNRS – Centre national de la recherche scientifique, IRHiS (Université de Lille) | @s_papastamkou
Lorna Richardson, Lecturer in Digital Humanities, University of East Anglia | @lornarichardson
Melissa Terras, Professor of Digital Cultural Heritage, University of Edinburgh | @melissaterras
Giannis Tsakonas, Acting Director in the Library & Information Center, University of Patras | @gtsakonas
Sara Di Giorgio, Technical responsible of CulturaItalia, Central Institute for the Union Catalogue of Italian Libraries and Bibliographic Information | @DiGiorgioSara
Europeana Research | @EurResearch
DARIAH-EU | @dariaheu
#dariahTeach | @dariahTeach
Pelagios | @PelagiosNetwork
11.00 – 11.15 am
11.30 – 11.45 am
11.45 am – 12.00 pm
12.00 – 12.15 pm
12.15 – 12.30 pm
12.30 – 12.45 pm
12.45 – 1.00 pm
1.00 – 1.15 pm
1.15 – 1.30 pm
1.30 – 1.45 pm
1.45 – 2.00 pm
2.00 – 2.15 pm
2.30 – 2.45 pm
2.45 – 3.00 pm
Pelagios |@PelagiosNetwork
Melissa Terras |@melissaterras
Katerina Gardikas |@kgardika
Sara Di Giorgio & Flavia Bruni | @DiGiorgioSara
DARIAH-EU | @dariaheu
Giannis Tsakonas | @gtsakonas
Europeana Research | @EurResearch
#dariahTeach | @dariahTeach
Sofia Papastamkou | @s_papastamkou
Lorna Richardson | @lornarichardson
George Mikros | @gmikros
Athena RIC: a few words from the host | @athenaRICinfo
Quinn Dombrowski | @quinnanya